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Jelly Builder MILKEN WHITE 15g

Regular price €12,95

Jelly Builder MILKEN WHITE 15g
Jelly Builder MILKEN WHITE 15g is a gel from the JELLY Collection - gel with liquid memory (self-leveling by heating, when modeled), high and fluffy consistency, does not flow into the cuticle.

Ideal for maintenance, constructions on the template, constructions with reusable tips, changing the architecture, corrections and slim nail technique.

It has an increased resistance, it is easy to file and finish.

Consistency: High
Self-leveling but does not flow into the cuticles
Polymerization time: 90 sec/LED or 120 sec/UV
Quantity: 15 g

Avoid contact with sunlight
The products must be used according to the instructions on the website. Our company does not assume responsibility for the use of the products in any other way than the one recommended by us

Jelly Builder MILKEN WHITE 15g

Jelly Builder MILKEN WHITE 15g este un gel din Colectia JELLY – gel cu memorie lichida( se autoniveleaza prin incalzire, atunci cand este modelat), consistenta ridicata si pufoasa, nu curge in cuticula.

Ideal pentru intretinere, constructii pe sablon, constructii cu tipsuri reutilizabile, schimbarea arhitecturii, corectiilor si tehnica unghiilor slim.

Are o rezistenta crescuta, este usor de pilit si finisat.

  • Consistenta: Ridicata
  • Autonivelant insa nu curge in cuticule
  • Timp de polimerizare: 90 sec/LED sau 120sec/UV
  • Cantitate: 15 g


  • Evitati contactul cu razele solare 
  • Produsele trebuie utilizate conform indicatiilor de pe site. Societatea noastra nu isi asuma raspunderea pentru utilizarea produselor in orice alt mod decat cel recomandat de noi
Jelly Builder MILKEN WHITE 15g
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